Lowes Home Improvement Stores is one of the largest retail home improvement chains in all of North America. It began in 1946 in the small city of North Wilkesboro, North Carolina and it has grown to be a Fortune 47 American company with more than 1800 stores located in all three countries in North America; United States, Canada and Mexico.
Along with home improvement stores, they also operate a number of appliance stores throughout North America as well. The stores are stocked with a wide selection of building materials, hardware and large selection of hand tools and yard equipment. What time does Lowes close ? and what time does it open ?
MONDAY | 6 AM - 9 PM |
TUESDAY | 6 AM - 9 PM |
THURSDAY | 6 AM - 9 PM |
FRIDAY | 6 AM - 9 PM |
SATURDAY | 6 AM - 9 PM |
SUNDAY | 7 AM - 8 PM |
What time does Lowes Open ?
What time does Lowes Close ?

What time does Lowes open ?
Lowes hours for opening are very early in morning: 6:00 AM on Monday through Saturday and 7:00 AM on Sundays. They do this primarily so that they are able to support the many professionals that work in the areas surrounding their stores. They also do it so that their customers can come in a browse the aisles in order to find everything that they are needing to complete their home improvement projects on time. They open a little bit later on Sundays (7:00 AM) for those whose projects need a little extra time to complete and they end up working on a Sunday.What time does Lowes close ?
Lowes store hours for closing are later than your typical hardware stores which means that they can support more of their customers, they are able to do this by keeping their doors open until 9:00 PM Monday through Saturday and close a little bit earlier on Sunday with their doors closing at 8:00 PM.
Lowe’s is one of the most popular of the big box home improvement stores, with several locations spread out in many of the population centers all throughout the United States. They carry a wide range of household products designed to be used for maintaining and upgrading the interior and exterior of the home. Lowe’s offers special seasonal promotions that are run at different times throughout the year. During these promotions they may put selected items on special or even alter the Lowes hours in order to encourage people to come into the store.
Lowes Near Me
Here are the addresses to some of Lowes stores in North Carolina – 509 River Highway Mooresville, NC 28117 and 1041 Charlotte Highway Troutman, NC 28166. What if you are not in North Carolina? This implies that you may not find the address above useful. As a result, the “Lowes near me map” will help you navigate to a store within your locality. With the near me map, you can locate any of Lowes store across the United State in one click.
Our Florida Lowes does not open til 8am on Sundays.
Thank you for informing us, Linda!