Home » Walmart is Rocking the Holiday’s

Walmart is Rocking the Holiday’s

This year the world's largest retailer, Walmart has begun rolling out a brand new concept inside many of their supercenters all across the country. They have identified that holidays represent their busiest shopping days and they are looking to leverage this by doing unique holiday-themed parties.

The introductory campaign was called "Rock This Christmas" and it involved a number of activities and special services. All of the things that they came up with were designed to help each of their customers have the best possible experience when they walked in the door. Most of the services centered around making each person who walked in them to feel special and that they were much more than just a customer that they wanted to sell something to.

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Walmart is looking to leverage a number of changes that they have already made at many of the Supercenters all over the country by adding additional unique holiday-themed special events. They began the shopping campaign on November 2 and it continued through this past week. Along with the traditional Christmas shopping experience, there were a number of Christmas themed special events.

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What Walmart had in store for its customers

One of the big things that Walmart has done to make shoppers experience better is to offer a larger number of specially priced items on all of their shelves. Along with that, they added a number of different exclusive holiday-themed gifts for shoppers to entice them to continue staying in the store and do more shopping.

Since they started this holiday campaign around Christmas time you probably guess that their shopping experience enhancement would include a visit from Santa Claus. They did not disappoint the kids and offered picture taking with Santa. They also had hundreds of thousands on in-store toy demonstrations which allowed kids to try out a number of different toys in order for the parents to see if their kids liked them.

The last part of the "Rock This Christmas" shopping campaign centered around having employees available to assist customers with gift suggestions. This would help to guide the customer through their shopping experience with hopes that they build a good relationship with each customer, in hopes that they will enjoy their experience and continue shopping at Walmart.

To see what Walmart has to offer for the rest of the holiday periods throughout the year you will need to check out your local Walmart near you.

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