Staples hours are relatively easy to remember as they follow traditional retail times, although stores do tend to follow one of the common sets of times frames which will be laid out below!
Staples is one the world’s leading providers of office supplies, and have a massive presence in their native United States, with thousands of stores located nationwide.
Customers can find a range of office supplies at each Staples location, including paper and stationary, ink and toner, office accessories, as well as a wide range of electronics and furniture.
You can get a good idea of Staple Store hours from these time tables below:
⚠ Estimates only |
MONDAY | 8 AM - 8 PM |
TUESDAY | 8 AM - 8 PM |
WENESDAY | 8 AM - 8 PM |
THURSDAY | 8 AM - 8 PM |
FRIDAY | 8 AM - 8 PM |
SATURDAY | 9 AM - 8 PM |
SUNDAY | 10 AM - 8 PM |
⚠ Estimates only |
MONDAY | 9 AM - 6 PM |
TUESDAY | 9 AM - 6 PM |
THURSDAY | 9 AM - 6 PM |
FRIDAY | 9 AM - 6 PM |
SATURDAY | 10 AM - 6 PM |
SUNDAY | 11 AM - 6 PM |
What Time Does Staples Close ?
What are Staples Store Hours ?
What Time Does Staples Open ?
Staples hours for opening will fall into one of two times for the most part. The first of these involves earlier opening times, with certain Staple store hours beginning at 8 am on Mondays to Fridays. The weekend opening times for these Staples hours change slightly, with Saturday opening at 9 am with Sunday opening at 10am.
The second batch of Staples hours for opening times operate slightly later than the first set. They follow a same pattern with Mondays to Fridays opening at 9 am while Saturdays open an hour later at 10 am and a couple of hours later on Sundays opening at 11 am.
What Time Does Stapes Close ?
The closing times for Staples hours are not as diverse as the opening times, remaining much the same in most locations. Mondays to Saturdays tend to feature the closing time of 9pm, while Sundays close at 8pm.Should the Staples location open at 10am and 11am on Saturday and Sunday, they may close at the earlier time, closing at 7pm on Saturday and 6pm on Sunday.
Finding the Nearest Staples Locations
The easiest way to find the nearest Staple locations is by searching Simply enter Staples followed by your zip code and you should be provided with the nearest Staples location to that.
Or you can visit the Staples website and enter similar details into their store locator.
Either of these methods should provide you with information regarding each individual Staples store hours, which is a great way for finding out more precise times.