Huntington Bank hours are rather diverse, with a number of different opening and closing times possible. These times can vary based on location, although they can mostly be categorized into two distinct set of hours.
MONDAY | 9 AM - 4 PM |
TUESDAY | 9 AM - 4 PM |
THURSDAY | 9 AM - 4 PM |
FRIDAY | 9 AM - 6 PM |
SATURDAY | 9 AM - 1 PM |
MONDAY | 9 AM - 5 PM |
TUESDAY | 9 AM - 5 PM |
THURSDAY | 9 AM - 5 PM |
FRIDAY | 9 AM - 6 PM |
What time does Huntington Bank Open?
What time does Huntington Bank Close ?
What Time Does Huntington Bank Open ?
Huntington Bank hours for opening are typically the same across the board, so they can tend to be easier to remember than their closing hours. The differences in Huntington Bank hours for opening are minimal in any case.For example, the majority of Huntington Bank opening hours is at 9 am.
As to be expected, Huntington Bank doesn’t open on a Sunday, so the 9 am opening hours operate from Monday to Saturday.
What Time Does Huntington Bank Close ?
Unlike their opening hours, Huntington Bank closing times can differ quite a lot depending on the location. This is why Huntington Bank hours for closing can mostly be categorized into two distinct time frames.
The first of these sees Huntington Bank hours for closing being set to 4 pm Monday to Thursday. Fridays close later than this time at 6 pm, while Saturday will see their branches close at the earlier time of 1 pm.
The second set of closing hours at Huntington Bank are longer than the first, with most closing at 5 pm Monday to Thursday, with Friday’s closing hours remaining the same at 6 pm. Saturdays will see the closing hours extended in these locations, with branches closing at 2 pm rather than 1 pm.
Astonishingly enough, you may even come across a Huntington Bank branch with closing hours as late as 8 pm during weekdays. These locations will usually close at 5 pm on a Saturday too, which is certainly noteworthy, and some can even be open on a Sunday!
These branches tend to be located in Michigan, and any Huntington Bank open on Sunday usually operates with the hours 9 am-4 pm.
[ad type="lmbanner"]HuntingtonBank Near Me Map
With over 700 branches located throughout seven states, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find your nearest Huntington Bank. Those living in Ohio, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Michigan and West Virginia will find many branches within their state.
To find the nearest Huntington Bank to your location in these states, simply go to The Company's Official Website and use the branch locomotor tool found in the upper right corner of the homepage.
Click here and enter the relative info to find the most accurate location of all nearby Huntington Banks and ATMS. Additionally, you can search Google maps by simply entering your ZIP (providing you live in a state with these banks) and Huntington Bank to find your nearest branch.