Tent camping is a great way to get into the idea of Camping Near Me. It is ideal for young families as tents aren’t that expensive and there are so many tent camping opportunities around. Many RV parks have a section for tent camping, especially those that are state or regional.
In general, all the RV parks allow tent camping as well. However, there are other places that can be interesting near you. A lot of U.S. residents like to go beach camping. Leo Carillo State Beach is a good example, as it is not only close to the ocean it is also near some interesting sightseeing opportunities. The gate is open from eight in the morning until ten at night. There is no entry into the park after ten.
See map below for Camping Near Me.

Leo Carrillo is fairly easy to find. It is located off of the Pacific Coast Highway above Santa Monica. There is a camp store, pay showers and firewood. It is important to note that fires can only be lit in the fire pits if the weather is permitting. Leo Carrillo suffered a great deal in the Woolsey Fire of 2018.
There are a lot of things to do at this beach. Fishing, snorkeling, sea caves and tide pools abound. There are hiking trails nearby, one is easy and another is listed as hard. Beach-combing is also allowed on this site.
Tent camping is available all over the country. While Southern California has a lot to offer, some of the best spots are in the mountains… of which there are several chains. From Yosemite to Appalachia and from the Cascades to the Ozarks, state, regional and national campgrounds abound. Most of them welcome tent campers.
The prairie states and the deserts can also make good camping spots, particularly at the right time of year. Desert camping is best done during the spring and fall when it isn’t blisteringly hot or bitterly cold. The U.S. has deserts throughout most of the states west of the Rockies, including Washington and Oregon.
Florida is a great spot to visit, and not just because of Disneyworld and SeaWorld. The Everglades are fascinating and there are a lot of tours of natural wonders available. As it is mostly a peninsula, there is access to both the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. The Florida Keys are also a nice place to visit.
On the Eastern seaboard there are many historical sites that can be seen via tent camping. Battlefields from both the Civil War and the Revolutionary War are nearby, plus the historical cities. Further north, in Maine, there is some very interesting coastal stretches.