ALDI is one of the largest discount stores internationally. It has 10,000 stores across the globe and it was all started in Germany by two brothers Karl and Theo Albrecht. Today, ALDI Stores spread across Europe, United States and Australia. The organization specializes in own-brand goods , which create around 90 pc of quick sales in the United Kingdom.
What time does ALDI close and what time does it open ? ALDI opens at 9 am on the weekdays and closes at 8 pm. Browse the time table below to get a full grasp of ALDI hours.
MONDAY | 9 AM - 8 PM |
TUESDAY | 9 AM - 8 PM |
THURSDAY | 9 AM - 8 PM |
FRIDAY | 9 AM - 8 PM |
SATURDAY | 9 AM - 8 PM |
SUNDAY | 9 AM - 8 PM |
Some stores may have limited hours to accommodate restocking and cleaning during corona outbreak.
ALDI aim is to bring high quality products for its customers at a very affordable price including foreign food and local fresh products including meats, fruits, vegetables, chips, candy, and you will be surprised to even find essentials such as cat food and dog food. ALDI can provide low prices by cutting costs for bags as customers are required to bring their own shopping bags. Also ALDI requires a quarter to unlock a shopping cart which can be retrieved when parking it back in its designated place. This not only allows ALDI to provide better prices to its customer. Most customers love this trade. It truly is a very small hassle compared to the low prices customers get to enjoy.
What Time Does ALDI Open ?
What Time Does ALDI Close ?
What Time Does ALDI Open ?
All ALDI store hours for opening are very standard across their different stores. ALDI opening hours are general 9 am every day of the week during corona outbreak.
What Time Does ALDI Close ?
ALDI closing hour remain the same across their different locations. ALDI closes at 8 pm from Monday to Sunday.
ALDI Near Me
Here are the addresses to some of ALSI stores in Kentucky – 1455 Campbell LnBowling Green, KY 42104-4159 and 24 S Hwy 1223Corbin, KY 40701-4640. What if you are not in Kentucky? This implies that you may not find the address above useful. As a result, the “ALDI's near me map” will help you navigate to a store within your locality. With the near me map, you can locate any of ALDI store across the United State in one click.
On days of Holidays, ALDI remains open on Independence and Labor day. You will also find ALDI's open on Christmas Eve up until 4 pm. However, ALDI remains closed on New Years, Easter and Christmas.
Another aspect that makes ALDI different from other supermarkets is that 90% of the products is its exclusive brand. In this way ALDI allows customers to save their money not paying for the marketing and advertising.
I got to tell y’all but Aldi’s is open 9am to 9pm 7 days a week
Thank you, Solomon. True, but it depends on the region.